Search results: Foreclosure And Probate information
Articles on Foreclosure And Probate from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Five Tips To Get Great Real Estate Deals
After a few weeks of search many people start being disappointed and wonder if they will ever find a good real estate deal. What they don't realize is that there is an abundance of deals out there, but they don't actually work to find them or they don't really know how to find them. Here are a few ...
The Hidden Treasures and Profits of Probate Investing
To make money in real estate you need an advantage over your competition. So why not just eliminate them! Now I don't mean you need to go out and create a bunch of probate by whacking all your competition. What I do mean is that you need to play real estate the same way I would like for my favorite ...
Finding Real Estate Investment Deals
If you have been watching any late night television, you have probably seen the infomercials about investing in real estate. Those commercials make it seem very easy just to go out the next day and start making deals. It isn't that easy, but you will find deals no matter where you live and what ...
Why Would I Use A Land Trust To Buy Property?
In recent years, many companies have developed methods that allow for Land Trusts to be used to acquire properties in foreclosure. This allows homeowners to save their homes and making it possible for investors to reap huge returns. Some investors are under the impression that using a Land Trust ...
How Distressed Home Sales Impact Your Home's Value
We know the gut wrenching feeling when a home sells down the street from you for well below Fair Market Value (FMV). You may only find out when a perspective buyer says your home is too high priced because of that distressed home sale! Distressed home sales happen in any and every neighborhood from ...
Are Foreclosures A Good Deal?
Are Foreclosures a place to get good deals? Can you really by a home for Pennies on the Dollar? How do I find these properties and what should you do to get the best deal. Whenever someone starts looking into investing they come to me and tell me they want to look at foreclosures. When I ask them ...
California Law for Real Estate Investors - Including Forclosure Issues
Probate Issues One mistake that California real-estate investors make is signing a purchase contract too soon when a probate is required. Some real-estate investors try to buy properties when the deceased left real estate to family members or friends who cannot make the monthly loan payments. If ...
Making Big Money By Wholesaling Properties
Wholesaling properties allows you to make money by controlling a property without buying it. You also do not have to use any of your own money, have good credit or deal with tenants. Let's look at how this is done. First, you must find a motivated seller who is willing to sell their property below ...
Foreclosure Real Estate Investor - Your Next Career Opportunity?
Real estate has rewarded those patient investors who hold onto a property for many years with a very good return on investment. As the saying goes: You can wait to buy real estate - or you can buy real estate and wait. This is the buy and hold mentality. Now consider these two scenarios: #1: You ...
How to Do a Title Search on Tax Lien and Tax Deed Properties
When you do a title search basically what you are looking for is Marketable Title. Marketable title is really the absence of liens and clouds, the absence of IRS liens, and the absence of missing links in the chain of title. Missing links in the chain of title could be for example when the original ...